Luminoodle by Power Practical

Luminoodle is the original product in a family of lights by Power Practical, consisting of outdoor and indoor lighting products. 

The goal with Luminoodle was to create a tent light that a camper could read a book under. Most lanterns and electric lights are either difficult to situate in a tent or dangerous to use near fabric, and often too dim to read by. The Luminoodle is encased in silicone for durability and weather resistance, and at least 180 lumens, which is plenty. It comes with "Noodle Ties" which allow the user to strap it down easily to anything, and a translucent stuff sack that turns this long light rope into an easy-to-tote lantern.

The Luminoodle comes in white and multi-colored, and in various lengths. It was available for sale in the MOMA design store (2016-2019).

Market Research
Hand Sketching
Concept Selection
Usability Research
U/I Design
3D Modeling
Functional Prototyping

Product Development
Art Direction